
Brexit effect on Italy: Renzi's summit, the League rejoices, M5S attacks

The Premier: "Europe must be changed but it is our home" - Extraordinary meeting at Palazzo Chigi, the leadership of the Democratic Party postponed until next week - Salvini rejoices: "Thank you UK, now it's our turn" - Movimento 5 Stelle: "L The European Union must change, otherwise it dies”

Brexit effect on Italy: Renzi's summit, the League rejoices, M5S attacks

“We have to change it to make it more humane and more just. But Europe is our home, it is our future”. This was the comment on Twitter by the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, after the surprise outcome of the Brexit referendum, which sanctioned the farewell of the United Kingdom to the European Union.

The Premier has convened an extraordinary meeting at Palazzo Chigi for this morning, attended by Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Treasury number one Pier Carlo Padoan, the head of Economic Development Carlo Calenda, the undersecretary to the Prime Minister Marco Minniti and the governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco.

“We are facing a very difficult time for Europe – commented Gentiloni -. Although we have long been equipped to manage the consequences of this decision, we do not hide the difficulties of the moment. Politically, this must be a wake-up call for Europe. That of the British people is a serious decision, but we respect it ”.

Gentiloni will be in Luxembourg this afternoon to participate in the meeting of EU ministers initially planned for European affairs. The foreign ministers of the six founding countries of the European Union will meet in Berlin on Sunday to evaluate the consequences of the vote in the British referendum.

Meanwhile, Renzi also spoke on the phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande to agree on how the EU should move.

The situation has also forced the postponement of the leadership of the Democratic Party to next week, scheduled for today at 15 pm to comment on the results of the administrative vote.

As for the other political forces, the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini published a post of exultation on Twitter for the outcome of the Brexit referendum:

To the microphones of Radio 24, the Carroccio's number one increased the dose: “Today is a great day – he said -. Now let's see what happens. The conscience of citizens has proved stronger than the bankers. Now Europe has before it the opportunity to get rid of the European Union. Enough with the bankers' salons, let's refound Europe. It is a great pity that our Constitution, which is anti-democratic, does not allow Italians to vote by referendum on international treaties".

The situation on the pentastellato front is different, which at the moment does not seem to have agreed on a unified line on Brexit.

“The 5 Star Movement is in Europe and has no intention of abandoning it – reads a post published yesterday on Beppe Grillo's blog -. If we weren't interested in the European Union we would never have applied; here, however, we elected the second Italian delegation. Italy is one of the founding countries of the EU, but there are many things about this Europe that don't work. The only way to change this "Union" is constant institutional commitment, which is why the 5 Star Movement is fighting to transform the EU from within".

But the Movement is internally divided. And so the deputy of the M5S Danilo Toninelli, who in Parliament has followed the matches of the constitutional reform and the electoral law at the forefront:

Along the same lines Carlo Sibilia, a member of the movement's directorate, who seems to be a real fan of the English Eurosceptic leader Nigel Farage:


It was published on Grillo's blog a new post which reads that “the European Union must change, otherwise it will die. The UK's LEAVE sanctions the failure of EU policies aimed at austerity and the selfishness of the member states. We want a Europe that is a "community" and not a union of banks and lobbies. Now the word to the citizens”.
