
Eems: Solsonica records a +48% of sales between June and August

The estimated value is approximately 38,1 million euro. At around 16,30 pm the Eems share in Piazza Affari showed a rise of 22,26%, the best performance today.

Eems: Solsonica records a +48% of sales between June and August

Solsonica, a subsidiary of Eems and active in the photovoltaic market, between June 31st and August 30,5st sold panels for a total power of approximately 48 MWp, recording an increase of 20,6% compared to the 2010 MWp of the same period of 38,1. The estimated value of the sales, explains a note, is approximately 16,30 million euros. At around 22,26 pm the Eems share in Piazza Affari showed a rise of XNUMX%, the best performance today.

“For the next few months – explained Paolo Mutti, CEO of Solsonica and the Eems group – we believe that the sector will confirm growth prospects. However, it is difficult to make a precise estimate for the remaining four months of the year since the monthly tariff remodulation system, envisaged by the new Energy Bill until December 2011, is directing the propensity of market operators towards short-term order planning term instead of medium/long term".
