
Financial education: the "School Stars" are back

The second edition of the MIUR-Feduf project dedicated to the excellence of the Italian school is underway, which last year awarded 45 students.

Financial education: the "School Stars" are back

The second edition of “School Champions” is starting, a project that last year awarded 45 scholarships of 1.600 euros each to the winners of the Olympics organized by the Miur.

Born under the Protocol between the Foundation for Financial Education on Savings (Feduf, an ABI initiative) and the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Savings Museum of Turin and the Italian Banking Association, the project aims to enhance the young talents of the school through cash grants and participation in a residential financial education campus.

The campus includes three days of full immersion at the Savings Museum in Turin to explore the issues of conscious money management, the development of self-entrepreneurial skills and the world of work.

“Financial education – comments Antonio Patuelli, president of ABI – is a fundamental element for the training not only of young people and for correct education in saving.

The initiative aims to close the gap with other advanced countries: according to the OECD, in the ranking of financial knowledge of young people, Italy ranks 17th out of 18 countries, the last of which is Colombia.

The new edition of the Fuoriclasse della Scuola provides for an increase in the number of sponsors and scholarships and a new edition of the Campus dei Fuoriclasse, scheduled from 13 to 15 November next organized by the Turin Savings Museum.

"The project I Fuoriclasse della Scuola strengthens the collaboration between the Foundation and the Miur - underlines Miro Fiordi, Vice President of the Foundation for Financial and Savings Education - adding to the activity of disseminating economic citizenship skills also the enhancement of talents . A new goal made possible by the collaboration between the public and private sectors. Promoting financial education means developing the common good for the country”.
