
Financial education, Poste Italiane launches online teaching

The group led by Matteo Del Fante adheres to the Financial Education Month promoted by the Mef: lessons on the web and video pills to increase competence and awareness in investment and savings choices.

Financial education, Poste Italiane launches online teaching

Poste Italiane participates in the “Financial Education Month”, promoted by the Mef with the aim of improving citizens' skills in economic-financial matters and increasing their awareness of savings and investment choices, in particular with knowledge of new digital tools. Poste Italiane's contribution will be that of online teaching, through a calendar of six free-to-access webinars. During the lessons, experts in economics will talk about financial planning, supplementary pensions, protection, savings and investments and the role of the consultant, with the aim of helping participants to make investment choices in the financial, insurance and pension fields on the basis of greater awareness and knowledge.

To follow the webinars just use available links on the Poste Italiane website and in the calendar-events section of the "Edufin Committee" portal. Poste has also prepared a new one didactic series consisting of ten "video pills" which can be accessed at any time from Edufin web page on the company website. "In light of the health emergency and the need to guarantee citizens the broadest access to the educational program - explains a note -, Poste Italiane has chosen to use digital channels to once again offer its dissemination and information contribution on economic matters -financial and reaffirm its role as a driving force in the country's digitization process".
