
Financial education: Italian students challenge Europe with the FEduF

The 5th edition of European Money Week starts - The Foundation for Financial Education and Savings created by the ABI organizes the financial education competition in Italy in which over 30 European countries participate Milan

Financial education: Italian students challenge Europe with the FEduF

The fifth edition of the European Money Week has officially started, a week - from 25 to 29 March 2019 - entirely dedicated to financial education, the conscious management of money and savings and organized thanks to the collaboration between the most important European banking associations, coordinated by the European Banking Federation. In Italy, the initiative is managed by the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings (FEduF), set up by ABI.

Numerous activities are proposed, especially for young people. Students between the ages of 13 and 15 from all over Italy are called to the European Money Quiz online competition on financial education topics, which will take place through the Kahoot! platform, on 28 March at 12:00.

Teachers who wish to enroll classes in the Italian final of the European Money Quiz can access the FEduF website.

The winners will represent our country in Brussels on 7 May during the European final. The schools of Bergamo, Milan, Turin and Gravina di Puglia will have the opportunity to take part in the challenge during the plenary lessons organized respectively by UBI Banca, Banco BPM, Museo del Risparmio and Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata. During the meetings, topics such as conscious management of money and savings, planning, investments and cybersecurity will be dealt with and at the end of the lesson the competition will start. "The objective of this activity - declares Giovanna Boggio Robutti, Director General of the FEduF - is to train the adults of tomorrow, make them aware of the various economic-financial aspects they will come across on their way and prepare them with adequate skills to make choices" . In addition to the challenge of the European Money Quiz, the European financial education week will see other appointments in Italy according to this calendar:

