
Financial education: Intesa Sanpaolo events with the Savings Museum and foreign banks

From 21 to 27 March Intesa Sanapolo is offering a week of events for economic-financial education schools with the Museum of Savings and foreign banks

Financial education: Intesa Sanpaolo events with the Savings Museum and foreign banks

At the start Global Money Week 2022 of Intesa Sanpaolo. Through its Savings Museum and its foreign banks, the bank offers a rich calendar of events and initiatives as part of the kermesse, now in its 21th edition, scheduled from 27 to XNUMX March and dedicated to young people to raise awareness of the importance to acquire afinancial education Basic.

This year's theme, "Build your future, manage your money well" aims to underline the connection between the ability to manage one's finances and that of planning future choices according to our life goals. Since last year, the Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities has been coordinating the GMW for Italy in collaboration with the OECD, the body that organizes the event at an international level.

The following banks of the Group's International Subsidiary Banks Division also participate in the Global Money Week: Alexbank in Egypt, Banca Intesa Beograd in Serbia, Eximbank in Moldavia, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Slovenia, Intesa Sanpaolo.

Global Money Week 2022 calendar on financial education

The Museum of Savings opens the week, on March 21 at 11.00, with a special online edition of the workshop "LEGONOMY - The economy explained with bricks", in collaboration with FEdUF and Luciano Canova, economist, academic teacher and Lego Serious Play trainer. Through the famous bricks, students of secondary schools will be able to approach concepts such as price, inflation and GDP, in a simple and fun way. 

It is scheduled for secondary schools on March 22 at 11.00 "EduFin Train-the-Trainer", a "training of trainers" webinar, designed in particular to allow high school students to offer simple financial education activities to primary and lower secondary school students.

"Walking around the world with Arco and Iris", scheduled on March 23 at 9.00, will instead be dedicated to male and female primary school students, to make them aware of the meaning of saving and the importance of being financially independent. The mascots of the Savings Museum, For and Mica, will tell the story of Arco and Iris, two piggy banks that one day magically came to life and experienced an incredible adventure. For and Mica will then talk to the children to answer all their questions and curiosities about money. The event takes its cue from the tale of the Savings Museum "Arco&Iris in South America".

“Arco and Iris in South America” will be a new “multilingual” tool – translated for the occasion into 17 European foreign languages ​​(French, English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Serbian, Moldavian, Bosnian, Croatian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Arabic , Slovenian, Albanian, Slovakian, Greek, Polish) – which the Museum of Savings and the participating banks will make available to parents to begin educating children about economic independence.

Next year's Digital Live Talk is dedicated to girls and boys of second grade secondary schools 25 March at 10.00 entitled "MASKED NUMBERS: when the numbers tell us about the world", with the contribution of Taxi1729 popularizers. The talk dedicates a special insight into the importance of being able to read the data and discern the correct information to protect oneself in consumption decisions and in the management of personal finances. 

Furthermore, the Savings Museum is also planning a seminar for adults, in particular teachers, educators and financial education operators, which will be held on March 30 at 16.00 entitled “How important is the way the question is asked? Framing effect: how language can affect learning and assessment methods”. The online seminar aimed at investigating how language conditions learning, of students and adults, and in particular on what the effect of framing is in the context of skills assessment processes together with professors Enrico Cervellati and Tommaso Agasisti. With the participation of Taxi 1729.
