EDF, Edison ed Aeneas have Memorandum of Understanding signed (MoU) with the aim of implementing innovative small-scale nuclear technologies, such as small modular reactor (Smr), in industrial applications. This collaboration focuses on theanalysis of thermo-hydraulic systems and passive safety, on the development of new technologies and on the integral operation of the system. A crucial point of the agreement is the opportunity to provide electricity and heat in cogeneration mode for industrial needs.
In addition to technological research, the protocol also provides for training activities and exchange of know-how between researchers and PhD students, thus strengthening the skills and synergies between the partners.
The role of Italy and the European vision
THEItaly is at the center of this technological revolution thanks to the scientific and technical know-how put in place by Enea. “This agreement”, explains Alessandro Dodaro, Director of the Nuclear Department of Aeneas, “strengthens Italian leadership in large-scale experimentation, passive systems and integral testing”.
Through this collaboration, Edison, Edf and Enea aim to consolidate the European role in the research and development of advanced nuclear technologies, paving the way for a decarbonized industrial future. A synergy that, as underlined by all the protagonists, represents a milestone towards sustainability and energy security.
Edison, Edf, Enea Agreement: Statements from the Protagonists
The deal was welcomed with enthusiasm by the representatives of the three organizations involved. “Thanks to the collaboration with Enea, one of the Italian reference players for research on new nuclear power, we are making a further concrete step towards the use of new nuclear technologies to support the Italian industrial system, pooling technical and scientific skills, experience in the management of nuclear plants and a forward-looking vision" he commented Lorenzo Mottura, representative of Edison.
He is of the same opinion Alessandro Dodaro which highlighted: “the agreement with Edf and Edison will strengthen the Italian role in Europe in the development of innovative nuclear technologies, with the aim of supporting the Italian supply chain in penetrating the European SMR market and strengthening ENEA's leadership in the field of innovative nuclear technologies".
Finally, Bernard Salha, Group Chief Technical Officer of EDF, said: “This collaboration is a practical and effective way to overcome the barriers that hinder the diffusion of small modular reactors in Europe. By leveraging our combined expertise and resources, we are committed to developing innovative solutions that will contribute to Europe’s carbon neutrality goals.”