
Ecuador and energy: new 2015-17 investment plan

As reported by the MiSE, one of the fundamental objectives of the South American country is the strengthening of energy production, where initiatives in the oil, hydroelectric and bioenergy sectors continue to be of great importance - Projects also presented with regard to basic industries.

Ecuador and energy: new 2015-17 investment plan

More than 94 projects in energy, telecommunications and basic industries, with an expected value of more than $37 billion annually in 2015-2017. These are the guidelines Catalog of investments for the implementation of strategic projects, presented by the Government of Ecuador for the three-year period 2015-2017 and reported by the Ministry of Economic Development.

In particular, one of the fundamental objectives of the Plan is the strengthening of energy production, where initiatives in the oil sector (21 major projects for a total of 17 billion dollars), hydroelectric (13 projects for 5,7 billion), bioenergy (2 projects for 1,1 billion) and, in to a lesser extent, the water (7 projects for 727 million) and telecommunications (1 project for 363 million). As regards the basic industries (petrochemicals, iron and steel, aluminium, copper processing, shipbuilding and the pulp/cellulose sector for paper) 10 projects were presented for 12 billion.
