
Circular economy: Galletti and Calenda accelerate

The consultation on the program to be launched on the subject of environmental sustainability of Italian industry has started on the online platform of the Ministry of the Environment. It will last two months and will end on 18 September. The Ministry of Development is also involved with the Industry 4.0 project

Circular economy: Galletti and Calenda accelerate

How much environmental sustainability is there in the Italian industrial system? Enough, but not yet in quantity to make us compete in the challenge with those countries that have already engaged the gear. The circular economy is becoming a priority, to be grasped. This is the reason why the Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, and the head of the Environment, Gian Luca Galletti, have circled 18 September in red on the government calendar. Deadline for closing the consultation on the program to be launched.

For now we are in a transition phase, but we are moving towards a "paradigm shift on sustainability and innovation", the ministers said. Everything seems to converge towards a new physiognomy of the country system with the best wishes. The consultation for the next two months will take place online on the dedicated Minambiente platform.

At the base are the Italian commitments with respect to climate change and the milestones of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. If Italy is a step backwards, it now needs to recover quickly in order to equip a new legislative and strategic framework on what revolves around sustainability: 54 pages prepared by the experts of the two ministries condense the main objectives, starting from a mapping of the Italian and international situation.

The operational lines involve businesses, consumers and public administration in an organic effort to bring Italy among the virtuous countries. An equal competition if things go as planned these days. The country - Calenda and Galletti explained - has the characteristics and capabilities to do so and must seize this opportunity to promote new business models that know how to enhance Made in Italy and the role of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The appeal to small businesses has a particular flavour, because it entrusts our variegated manufacturing fabric with a significant role in the reorganization of activities linked to territories and family traditions. There is no doubt that their contribution to innovation and environmental sustainability policies has been greatly affected by financial burdens. Costs and bureaucracy have often not been within their reach.

But digital transformation and the introduction of enabling technologies in general also find a place in Calenda's Industry 4.0. The contributions expected by the government from the online consultation are of quality and everyone will be guaranteed the confidentiality of what they express. Before arriving (at the end of the year?) at the final document and passing the transition phase.
