"We ask for the extension until 2020 of the Irpef deduction commensurate with 50% of the VAT due on the purchase of energy class A or B homes, so as to be able to direct demand towards the purchase of non-polluting and more efficient homes". In view of the 2018 Budget law, this is one of the three proposals launched today by Giuliano Campana, president of ANCE, during a conference on ecobonus and earthquake bonus organized in Rome by the National Association of Building Builders.
The second proposal concerns "the implementation of the Irpef deduction for building renovation, in the enhanced formulations and in force until 31 December 2017, and the extension until 2021 of the deduction for energy requalification interventions carried out on existing buildings".
Furthermore, Campana requested the extension of the sismabonus for building replacement "also to zones 2 and 3, both for homes and for buildings for productive use". The reference is to the Irpef deduction of 75-85% introduced last year on the sale price (up to a maximum of 96 thousand euros) for the purchase of anti-seismic houses located in zone 1, those at greatest risk.
“These benefits must be valid for everyone – said the number one at ANCE – houses, offices, warehouses. Furthermore, the limit of 96 thousand euros per real estate unit appears completely ineffective for productive buildings, for which more expensive interventions are required on average ".
For this reason, "we believe that the bonus should be remodulated according to the property on which work is done, commensurating the rewards to the surface and also admitting the possibility of cumulation between sismabonus and ecobonus for different expenses - Campana said again - Finally, it is necessary to recognize the possibility of the transfer of credit also for interventions on individual real estate units and for buildings other than condominium ones, including those for production use".
According to Ance, there are 11 million buildings - residential and non-residential - that arise in areas with high seismic risk and 19 million families who live in these areas. Furthermore, 74% of the houses in these areas were built before the anti-seismic law. The Association then points out that from 1944 to 2013 an average of 2,7 billion euros was spent each year to deal with this situation. Finally, the real estate assets are also largely energy-intensive, to the point that building alone represents 36% of total energy consumption.
“I think we could introduce a automatic tax credit for companies investing in employee retraining and training, to bring young people into the company and retrain those already present - said Enrico Morando, Deputy Minister of Economy, speaking at the Ance conference - A large part of the growth and employment gap between Italy and the European average is linked to the too feeble restart of the building and construction sectors. There has been an improvement: in 2015 we grew at a rate 50% lower than the European average, this year by 25%. But the rapid exit from QE could lead us into a more difficult context in which this gap risks widening again".
Morando then noted that “the bonuses have worked so far, even during the great recession, avoiding the definitive downturn of the sector. But these measures have limitations. On an economic and social level, because since they are Irpef bonuses, they discriminate against owner families who have less income or are completely incompetent. But also at an environmental level, because they have not found application on the more energy-intensive large buildings built in the 60s and 70s, which are open-air heaters”.