
Ecobonus 65% towards 2016 extension: the novelty of condominiums

The council of ministers should today extend the 65% eco-bonus on energy savings and the 50% deduction on building renovations. The 2016 Stability Law is being examined. However, the intervention will be selective and an extension to condominiums cannot be excluded, linking the discount to the jump in the energy class of the buildings. All options available

Ecobonus 65% towards 2016 extension: the novelty of condominiums

Go back there65% eco-bonus on energy efficiency of the buildings and go back there 50% tax deduction on building renovations. Barring a sudden about-face, not foreseen at the moment, the Council of Ministers meeting today, Thursday 15 October, at 12,30 to approve the Stability Law, will include this measure in the provision, extending its effectiveness also for 2016 Despite the importance of the appointment, an operational and quick meeting is expected given that Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is expected in Brussels for the European Council.

Be that as it may, the extension of the eco-bonus is a measure eagerly awaited by families and businesses and has so far borne good fruit. So much so that, in the virtual triangle between the Ministry of Development in Via Veneto in Rome, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in Porta Pia and the Ministry of Economy in Via XX Settembre, an extension is being worked on. It is not obvious, since it involves a greater financial commitment and this is precisely what we worked on until the end to find coverage. But Graziano Delrio (Infrastructures) pushes to extend the 65% tax deduction also to energy saving interventions in condominiums, an operation that would make it possible to make a qualitative leap on the road to energy redevelopment of Italian condominium properties.


The proposal from the Ministry of Development envisages the extension of the deduction to 65% but selectively, i.e. with a revision of the deductible percentages for some types of interventions (which would drop to 50%) while others would be abolished (those on boilers and water heaters new European rules which, from 26 September this year have imposed placing only the most efficient models on the market). In short, the intervention on energy efficiency would be proposed again but in a more selective way with a cost for public finances estimated by the Mise at 90 million for 2016.


Once this game is acquired, the big one that opens up is the one on condominiums that Graziano Delrio particularly cares about. Expanding the interventions on the ecobonus would increase the commitment to 350 million. Beyond this threshold Pier Carlo Padoan has not said he is willing to go. So if the council of ministers approves it, the enlargement to condominiums would be a big news. It would be a question of extending the eco-bonus by 65% also to the projects carried out by the Escos (The Energy saving company). These are companies specialized in energy efficiency interventions for businesses, which can also resort to white certificates (a more complex form of incentive reserved for more demanding interventions). In practice, the Escos advance the capital, collect the "white certificate" and make the owner repay the investment not in cash but through the savings he will obtain on future bills. Extending this mechanism to condominiums could have a significant driving effect, overcoming the difficulties of raising capital among individual owners. The tax rebate would also be linked to the jump in the energy class of homes.

It is no coincidence that just yesterday, the association of builders Reeds-Confindustria she said she was "satisfied with the extension of the ecobonuses already announced by the government". The vice president Gabriele Buia then added that "it would be necessary to strengthen them to encourage major interventions and not just small replacements: we must aim to favor those works that allow greater energy savings".


Other options on the table concern the extension of the furniture bonus also to young couples for rent (but the Mef fears losing control over the number of applications), the extension of the restructuring also to industrial warehouses and company establishments or the extension of the 65% tax credit to social housing with a double advantage of urban redevelopment and reduction of the public energy bill. But precisely in the end the financial constraints will count: you cannot go beyond 350 million.

To get an idea of ​​the figures at stake, the Ministry of Infrastructure has estimated the 65% deduction has generated 28 billion of investments, tax collections for a billion and a half million jobs.
