
Here is the platform for savers who want to learn how to invest

The web is also increasingly changing the relationship between small savers and investments - arrives from the web, a made in Italy platform that aims to "accompany savers by the (virtual) hand, making them become aware investors" - Two asset management subscribed with Invest Banca

Here is the platform for savers who want to learn how to invest

Saving is no longer enough. You have to know how to invest. However, the solution can be simpler and more fun than expected, thanks to the help of the web which is transforming the relationship between people and the management of savings. You go online, take a test and are guided through a process of learning about possible investment alternatives tailored to your financial goals. The idea comes from Corrado Caironi, R&CA strategist and a past at Blackrock, which just launched, the first Italian platform that directs and accompanies the development of individual investment processes.

"It has an athletic sound, reminiscent of marathon runners, but in English it actually also means a guide, a track on which to slide something - explains Caironi to FIRSTonline - The idea is to focus attention on the dynamics of investments, in other words, a guide that is accessible to all”. However, we are not talking about consultancy, Caironi points out, rather about an experience, a path capable of "accompanying the saver by the (virtual) hand, making him become a conscious investor". “If we think of doing consultancy on the web as a consultant does, we risk only creating confusion – adds Caironi – Today we always try to transport things conceived in analogical form on the web but this approach does not work. Services must be remodeled for the web because, through the web, they are born in a new real dimension".


Thus, while digital payments are spreading, the web is also advancing in the management of savings. With Google & Co. always at the window, the network is slowly reshaping the relationship between savers and investments. Until someone hypothesizes that in some time the funds will be bought directly on Google and the consultant will be on Facebook. "Today the phenomenon is linked only to payment systems even if the eye is already on finance management - says Caironi - However, why Google arrives in Italy with such a business is not technically that simple, both due to legislative and fiscal limits , it is not a short-term phenomenon. Direct access to the world of axis management, which is more regulated than others, is more difficult than the rest”. In the short term, says Caironi, “it won't be Google that will want to steal retail”, ie the attention of small savers. Rather, it will be the large investment houses which, he says, “will want to go directly to retail to the detriment of the banking distribution model. In this sense, the promoters are better positioned”. A first step has already been taken with the stock exchange listing of the funds. is thus a tool open to all but also designed for promoters in their relationship with customers. One hundred percent made in Italy, "it is not inspired by other foreign realities and which is based on its own algorithm that translates objectives into strategies".


“In order to be able to deal with a financial investment with awareness – explains Caironi – there are two simple steps that the saver must take into consideration: acquire the basic notions on the world that regulates the value of investment portfolios and make clear one's financial objectives in order to be able recognize possible solutions faster. This is why we have proposed a path capable of accompanying the saver by the (virtual) hand". By registering for free, in a completely digital way, in fact, you answer a test that allows you to identify your investment objectives and then obtain an indication of how to allocate your capital by distributing resources on the most suitable investment strategies. Finally, the platform suggests some particularly compatible investment instruments, a selection of funds divided according to the identified strategies. Attention, however, this is only a showcase of options that cannot be subscribed directly for now. Alternatively, the platform offers two dedicated asset management lines, which can be subscribed online at Invest Banca (Ib Evolution lines). For the moment it is thought to be open source, in the future it could become paid and allow the direct sale of funds.
