
Here is the new Rai: a Berlusconian will supervise it

Parliament elects the new board of directors and the Rai supervisory commission whose presidency is entrusted to the former Mediaset journalist, Alberto Barachini - Pd Guerini the guide of Copasir - New postponement for Cdp

Here is the new Rai: a Berlusconian will supervise it

Rai Board of Directors, Supervisory Commission and Copasir are the first public appointments made today in Parliament, while the white smoke is awaited for the completion of the top management of state TV. All on the high seas instead for the renewal of the positions at the helm of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti with the tug of war between the Ministry of Economy and the League on the name of Dario Scannapieco as managing director.

These are the decisions taken today.


The journalist Alberto Barachini, senator of Forza Italia and spokesman for Silvio Berlusconi, is the new chairman of the Rai parliamentary supervisory commission. He was elected on the third ballot with 22 votes, one more than the required majority.

Born in Pisa in 1972, Barachini has a degree in modern literature and started out as a reporter for the Tuscan newspaper Il Tirreno. In 1999 he joined Mediaset, later becoming central editor-in-chief and presenter. In 2002 he won the Indro Montanelli journalism prize. Very close to Licia Ronzulli, in the 2018 general elections he assumed the coordination of Silvio Berlusconi's communication and was elected to the Senate with Forza Italia.


As regards the members of the RAI Board of Directors appointed by parliament, the Senate elected with 133 votes Beatrice Coletti – television manager chosen by the M5S after the online vote of the subscribers – e Rita Borioni, outgoing and reconfirmed member, in Pd share, who collected 101 votes. Votes also for the journalists Sebastiano Roccaro (5) Michele Santoro (2) and Claudia Mazzola (1) and for the lawyer Giuseppe Rossodivita, historical radical activist. Blank ballots 21, void 31.

The Chamber, on the other hand, elected Igor De Biasio e Gianpaolo Rossi. The first, in the League share, obtained 312 votes, while the second, candidate from the Brothers of Italy, stopped at 166 votes.


Lorenzo Guerini he was elected president of Copasir, the parliamentary control committee on secret services. The Pd deputy received 8 votes.

“I am satisfied – commented Guerini on the microphones of Radio Radicale – because the definition of the Guarantee Commissions, which are an important part of the functioning of Parliament, has been completed. And I thank the committee commissioners for voting for me and the Democratic Party. I will try to carry out this task with balance and institutional correctness as it should be".

His deputy will be the Fdi senator Adolfo Urso, while the role of secretary of the commission goes to the deputy grillina Federica Dieni.


Nothing to be done instead for the renewal of the top management of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Cdp). If the appointment of the new president Tononi, supported by the banking foundations, is undisputed, for the choice of CEO the tug of war continues over Dario Scannapieco, currently vice president of the EIB, supported by minister Tria but opposed by the leader of the League, Salvini who would prefer Sala of Banca Intesa. The meeting adjourned on 24 July.


1 thoughts on "Here is the new Rai: a Berlusconian will supervise it"

  1. BEST WISHES …but the important thing is that you will NOT show us the OLD SERIES OF “DON MATTEO” anymore………!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE THE BALLS FULL AND PACKED!!!!!!!! COMPASSION'. Even the summer …..something NEW DOESN'T HURT since now not everyone can afford holidays!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

