
Earthquake, Poste Italiane: 1 million 650 thousand euros collected

The company will immediately join the Solidarity Fund for the populations of Central Italy of Confindustria and the Trade Union Organizations with a voluntary contribution equal to one hour of work by all the Company's employees.

Earthquake, Poste Italiane: 1 million 650 thousand euros collected

Poste Italiane announces that one week after activation, to date, the figure of 1 million 650 thousand euros has been collected on the free current account in the name of "Poste Italiane with the Italian Red Cross - Earthquake of 24 August 2016"; n. 900050; the IBAN code of the current account is IT38R0760103000000000900050".

Poste Italiane appreciates the initiative by Confindustria and the trade union organizations for the establishment of the Solidarity Fund for the populations of Central Italy and announces its willingness to immediately join the Fund with a voluntary contribution equal to one hour of work by all Company employees.

Following the participation expressed by the workers, the Company undertakes to double, in terms of value, the amount collected to be donated.
