
Early retirement at 64 with supplementary pension integration and increase in contributions: here are the new features of the Budget

The amendment of the League allows early retirement at 64 years of age using the integration with complementary pension, but with an increase in the contributions required: from 2025 they will go from 20 to 25 years, up to 30 in 2030

Early retirement at 64 with supplementary pension integration and increase in contributions: here are the new features of the Budget

Un League amendment, approved by the Budget Committee of the Chamber, introduces news for the pensions, allowing those who fall within the contributory system to go in early retirement at 64 years, thanks to'integration with the complementary pension. The aim is to address the problem of "poor pensions", which could increase with the contributory system, where those who have paid fewer contributions will have a lower pension. But How it works today e what will change?

Early retirement: how does the integration with supplementary pension work?

Today, for access early retirement at 64 years of age, a worker must have at least 20 years of contributions and a pension allowance equal to three times the social security check (about 1.600 euros per month), a threshold that the Meloni government increased last year, raising it from the 2,8 times established by the Fornero law. In other words, if a person has paid at least 20 years of contributions, he or she can retire early, but only if his or her pension reaches an adequate amount.

Pensions: what changes with the League amendment?

The amendment introduced by the League provides that, starting from 2025, workers who have started working after the 31 December 1995 (and therefore fall within the "fully contributory" system, where the pension depends exclusively on the contributions paid) can use the income from their supplementary pension (i.e. the private supplementary pension, which workers can choose to pay during their career) to increase the amount of the public pension and reach the minimum threshold necessary for early retirement (equal to three times the social security benefit).

In practice, those who have paid at least 20 years of contributions will be able to combine the public pension with the private one to obtain the minimum necessary treatment, and therefore retire at 64. However, from 2025 the contribution requirement will increase to 25 years, to arrive at 30 years old in 2030. For those who choose to resort to supplementary pension provision, there will be fewer constraints.

Discounts for working women with children

An important piece of news concerns the workers with children. With the amendment, a “discount” for women who, due to maternity, may not have accumulated a sufficient number of contributions to reach the required threshold. In this way, we seek to promote greater equity between men and women in the pension system.

Early retirement for workers with mixed regime from 2026

In 2026, the League plans to extend this measure also to workers who fall within the "mixed regime” (those who started working before 1996). In this case, it is estimated that around 80 thousand people could benefit from early retirement through the use of supplementary pension schemes. However, this extension could have a significant cost for the State, which could exceed 1 billion euros.
