
Lifely was born. the over 45 newspaper, online from today

Lifely, the new online magazine founded by Gabriella Bruschi and designed for the over 45s, is now online: work, savings, culture, well-being, fashion and many suggestions in the first issue

Lifely was born. the over 45 newspaper, online from today

LIFELY is online from today

There are no more Over 45s than once…!

Those who sighed 'by now…' thinking about the 'good old days'.

The new over 45s have much more on their mind …

Lifely is online, the new online magazine that deals with the new generation of over45s, those who want to move on and make plans for the future, discovering new passions, new paths, new tastes.

Lifely talks about work, hobbies, travel, psychology, cooking, wellness, history, fashion, books and much more, also offering readers the opportunity to actively participate in the magazine with comments, reflections and questions to our many experts.
Lifely is close to them with suggestions, news, ideas, testimonials, interviews and… with a promise: it will never use the word “by now…” !!

you will find Lifely already online at

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