
E-commerce: Businesses selling online tripled since 2009

According to data from the Chambers of Commerce, companies operating in internet retail sales exceeded the mark of 20 units at the end of 2018 - Since 2009 they have grown by 24% annually - In the same period, on the other hand, the entire retail sector has "lost" about 16.400 businesses.

E-commerce: Businesses selling online tripled since 2009

It la persistent consumer crisis and rapid changes in spending habits they take off the role of internet like the "marketplace” more coveted by the Italianscompanies do not hesitate to take up the challenge. Anext to brand globals like Amazon, Zalando, bookingAlibaba or e-Bayin the last ten years the army of Italian companies that have literally "exploded".have not raised their virtual shutters on the Web, with an offranging from clothing to cosmetics, from the decor and design to items for children or for fishing. But also cars and motorbikes, household items, food, bicycles, parquet, pharmaceutical products, books, glasses, toys up to "fresh water plants", alarm systems and funeral home services.  

At the end of December last year, le commercial companies operating in the sale retail on the internet they passed the mark of 20 units, tripling the number of those existing at the end of 2009. The portrait of the phenomenon emerges from the data processed by InfoRooms e Unioncamere - on the base of Register of Companies of the Chambers of Commerce – and certify how the 'boom' of internet sales companies (approx 14thousand more companies in ten yearsboth hardly managed to compensate for the contraction of operators which, in the same period, characterized the whole trade sector retail (decreased by more than 16thousand units) 

Comparing the web sales segment to the entire commerce world, between 2009 and 2018 the companies of the retail sale through internet are in fact on the increaseate of 8.994 units, equal to one growth media del 24% per year. During the same period, the whole of the septhours of the retail trade has "lost" about 16.400 companies, equal to one reduction by 2% in the decade (from 866 to 850 units) 

The opportunities of the web have stimulated entrepreneurs in the South more than any other. If in absolute terms the regions with the highest growth have been Lombardy, Campania and Lazio (+2.634, +2.018 and +1.555 respectively units), in relative terms those which have grown at the fastest pace they have been Campania, Abruzzo e Calabria (all above the average of 35% per year), followed by Puglia, Basilicata and Sicily with average increases abovel 25% in each of the ten years considered.
