
goWare e-book by Giulio Sapelli: “August 2013. Nothing will ever be the same again”

New e-book by Giulio Sapelli published by goWare and available in the main digital bookstores: "August 2013. Nothing will be the same again" - The most heretical and most unconventional economist on the Italian scene analyzes and brings to light the global changes of which no one notices and which have surfaced in the torrid summer that is ending

goWare e-book by Giulio Sapelli: “August 2013. Nothing will ever be the same again”

After this torrid August, nothing will ever be the same again. The most heretical and out-of-the-box economist on the Italian scene, Giulio Sapelli, tells us so. An economist who observes the world from the satellite and not from the window of his well-heated house. 

In this August 2013 the world changed, it changed because global processes have matured which are now beginning to manifest themselves also at a political, macroeconomic and strategic level. It all started with the energy paradigm shift: the development of fracking - the new technique for extracting natural gas through hydraulic invoicing of the rocks in which it is trapped - is making the United States independent of oil in the Middle East, the hottest and messed up planet. And this fact has and will have enormous consequences on our lives as well.

In his new ebook pamphlet "August 2013. Nothing will be as before" published by the goWare digital publishing house, Sapelli reviews the entire world scene and finally the situation in our country which experienced an equally hot August. In confirmation of Sapelli's theses, the ebook includes an intervention on American foreign policy by Thomas L. Friedman, the much-regarded columnist for the New York Times who also inspires members of the Chinese politburo.

With his unmistakable abrasive, imaginative and free of mediation style, Sapelli's narration is an intensive excursion to the most interesting places on the planet to get to know them beyond all fashion and prejudice.

The ebook pamphlet "August 2013. Nothing will be as before" by Giulio Sapelli is available in online stores, including: | Apple iBookstore | bookrepublic | Cubobooks | eBookized |LaFeltrinelli | Rizzoli Library | MediaWorld | Omniabuk | Ultima Books

The author
Giulio Sapelli, professor of economic history at the University of Milan and columnist for "Il Messaggero", is one of the most original and unconventional voices among Italian economists. A multifaceted intellectual, he combines history, philosophy, sociology and humanist culture in a very personal and meaningful style. Among the many works by him we mention the ebook publications: L'inverno di Monti (2011), Crisi (2012), Declino (2012), Amen! (2012), Who commands in Italy (2012), Other than springs. Arabia, a world without order (2013). With Lodovico Festa he wrote for goWare: Italy kills itself (2012), Hollande's 100 days (2012), Obama, America and the modern party (2013).
