
Draghi: Qe shield for tensions in Greece

According to the president of the ECB, QE at the moment not only protects against the risk of a Greek contagion but is also supporting the recovery: "The reaction of the markets shows that the purchase plan is working" - "Eurozone will reverse course".

Draghi: Qe shield for tensions in Greece

Il Quantitative easing serves the countries of the Eurozone as a shield for the new tensions in Greece. To say it is the president of the ECB Mario Draghiduring a conference in Frankfurt. Furthermore, for Draghi, it is highly probable that the increase in the ECB budget due to the launch of Qe will lead to a "rebound in inflation", which will bring it closer to the objectives set by the central institution. 

“The reaction seen on the markets – continued Draghi – at the start of the quantitative easing plan launched on Monday demonstrates that the purchase plan is working”. For the president of the ECB, on the other hand, "Security purchases by the ECB are nothing new and the latest positive indicators show that the slowdown in the growth of theEurozone has started to reverse course".

Draghi also responded to German skepticism about the Quantitative Easing program by recalling that purchases of government bonds by a central bank are nothing new, and that they had been carried out by the Bundesbank since the 70s.

The monetary policy implemented by the ECB, according to Draghi, “is oriented stability and reforms” and can help “a more sustained economic recovery”, but the States must lend a hand, creating “a more favorable environment for investments by rapidly implementing structural reforms”.
