
Draghi: "The Italian economy is doing well, but get vaccinated"

"Things are going well for the Italian economy and hopefully they will go even better, to the Italians I want to say: to get vaccinated and respect the rules for them to go better": Prime Minister Mario Draghi said in an informal greeting to reporters at Palazzo Chigi in which also spoke of the future of Citizenship Income

Draghi: "The Italian economy is doing well, but get vaccinated"

"Things are going well for the Italian economy and hopefully they will go even better, I want to say to Italians: to get better vaccinated and respect the rules". Thus spoke the premier Mario Draghi in an informal greeting to reporters at Palazzo Chigi. “The horizon of the government – ​​added Draghi answering the question on the duration of the legislature actually until 2023 – is in the hands of Parliament. I cannot express horizons, views”.

“Yesterday I thanked the ministers for the work and determination they have had in these six months of government, in designing and implementing the agenda – Draghi then said -. As we all set off to take these two weeks of vacation, the thought that must be kept clear is that in two weeks time the same, if not greater, determination is needed to face challenges and problems and give answers to urgent and serious problems".

Draghi then insisted on the cohesion of the executive: “There are no dark or light sides, what matters are the results and the parties bring results, it's not that they have different objectives in mind. There is no opposition between this government, the Prime Minister and the parties. This government lives because there is a Parliament”.

“We must be sure that we have done everything to prevent the pandemic from worsening: whether it is enough or not we do not know. Everything is done on the basis of today's evidence and data. The commitment we have made for the fall it's about starting face-to-face school, absolutely e the continuation of the vaccination campaign”.

In the brief exchange with reporters, the prime minister also replied on the Citizenship Income that Lega and IV would like to submit to an abrogative referendum: "It's too early - argued Draghi - to say whether it will be redesigned or reformed and how the audience will change of the beneficiaries. But I want to say that I fully agree with the basic concept of basic income".
