
Dragons and the magic wand that isn't there

The Governor of the Bank of Italy wisely invites us to keep our feet on the ground but the new government undoubtedly represents an important turning point compared to the first two governments of the legislature - Recovery with reforms for growth and the fight against the pandemic are the central objectives

Dragons and the magic wand that isn't there

As the Governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco rightly recalled, the problems of our country are so numerous and tangled that no one has a magic wand to solve them all at once, not even Mario Draghi. And yet the new government launched by the former ECB president together with the Quirinale undoubtedly represents a turning point compared to the first two governments of this legislature, and could lead not only to an improvement in the management of the health emergency, but above all to a correct setting up projects for the Recovery plan and related reforms.

If the media is still able to reflect the mood of public opinion, then it can be said that the trust of citizens towards the new ministerial structure Is increasing, as the technical ministers who are entrusted with the most delicate issues of our future appear to be highly competent people and not linked to any political consortium.

The change of pace with respect to the inconclusive Conte bis government and the catastrophic Conte 1 is evident. And it was good to interrupt a management in time that it was doing irreparable damage. Someone, like Antonio Polito in the Corriere della Sera, still persists in judging Renzi's initiative untimely and instrumental, even admitting that it led to a much better government. Truly extravagant hooping!

But it is also appropriate Visco's call to keep your feet on the ground, not to get too many illusions which could then lead to bitter disappointments, especially if expectations of very short-term solutions to the many problems that afflict us prevail. The Italian economic situation is really critical. The latest data processed by the European Commission place us in last place in terms of GDP recovery speed and predict that in 2022 we will be the only country that has not yet recovered the income levels of 2019. This will obviously have consequences on citizens' incomes and on the number of jobs available.

The primary objective of the new government must therefore be to accelerate the growth rate. It is to be hoped that Prime Minister Draghi strongly emphasizes this in his program which he will present to the Chambers next week. To achieve it we will have to make the best use of European money focusing on investments capable of increasing competitiveness and on an ecological transition based not so much on bans or taxes, but on technological innovation and realistic gradual programs. And for this reason the key ministers are Cingolani, Colao and Giovannini as well as Daniele Franco in the Economy.

Then it will be necessary set up some indispensable reforms to make the projects that will be proposed to Europe work, starting with Public Administration and Justice, sectors which now appear to be manned by people capable of conceiving incisive innovations. Orlando raises more doubts in the Ministry of Labour, which will have to manage the transition from the current redundancy fund to active labor policies, ie from freezing employees in current jobs, to managing the transition of many workers from obsolete sectors to those in development. Let's hope that in the name of the strategic alliance between PD and 5 Stars he doesn't want to continue the policies of Catalfo!

In general, the Government can be successful if it adopts a gradual approach to reforms, starting with seemingly minor points but which, if implemented correctly, can make a visible contribution to improving our public system. To Italian citizens you can't promise everything right away as was done in the past with the basic income or with Quota 100, but it must be made clear that no further sacrifices are required with an increase in taxes on income or assets.

The only thing that must be asked of people is the willingness to get back into the game, to change jobs by attending a good training course, to retire at the right time in line with the increase in life expectancy, to create a system of education in which all are evaluated fairly, students and professors. We need to create urgently a more business-friendly environment (as often recommended by the Bank of Italy) because alongside public investment, we must trust in good growth in private investment, including from abroad, in order to strengthen our production system and create jobs for young people as well.

As we know, there are so many things to do. Not all problems will be resolved quickly. But if the government manages to send the right signals right from the first measures, it will be able to influence expectations which, as Draghi is well aware, are a powerful factor in accelerating the processes that lead to a stable relaunch of the economy and social cohesion.
