
Dpcm January 16: all the new measures in 5 points

In a meeting between the Government and the Regions, the hypotheses on the new rules that should enter into force on January 16 are examined - The white area arrives, while the yellow one "strengthens" - A further anti-movida squeeze is expected - Ski facilities closed even after 18 January

Dpcm January 16: all the new measures in 5 points

The measures prepared by the Government to combat the Covid-19 pandemic are changing again. The Dpcm currently in force will expire on January 15 and the following day new rules will arrive to follow discussed today during a summit between the Regions and the Executive.

The new measures will come into force on January 16 and will be valid for 30-45 days. Among the expected innovations are: the introduction of a new area, the white one, an additional anti-nightlife squeeze and the blocking of travel even between regions included in the yellow zone. In the meantime, the Government is evaluating the extension of the state of emergency from 31 January to 30 April. 


A fourth should be added to the three zones already envisaged - yellow, orange and red: the white zone, which will start with a contagion index (the now famous Rt) of less than 0,5 and with an incidence rate of 50 cases per week for every 100 inhabitants. Values ​​which, at present, are very far away for all the Regions, but which in the hopes of the Government could be achieved between February and March.

In the Regions that will be placed in the white zone, the curfew will no longer have to be respected, commercial and economic activities will be able to reopen and students will be able to go back to school. Raised shutters for bars, restaurants, swimming pools and gyms. Cinemas, theaters and museums will be able to reopen as well as ski resorts. The use of masks will continue to be mandatory. 


A further tightening is foreseen on the movements. From 16 January it will be forbidden to move between Regions, even if the territories are included in the yellow zone. The usual exceptions are foreseen for reasons of study, work, health or necessity. 


The ban on crossing regional borders even if you are in the yellow zone, if approved, will be accompanied by the exemptions seen on holidays: those who live in a municipality under 5 thousand inhabitants will therefore be able to move even outside the municipal borders within a distance of 30 kilometers, but will not be able to reach the provincial capital. 

For everyone else: two adults with children under the age of 14 will be able to leave their own municipality to visit friends and relatives only once a day, remaining within the regional borders.


As mentioned, the white area still seems like a chimera for all Regions. The coming weeks will instead be characterized by closures and restrictions. In detail, gyms and swimming pools should remain closed at least until January 12, the day on which the Minister of Sport, Vincenzo Spatafora, will meet the CTS experts.

Bad news also for ski lift managers who will remain closed even after January 18, the previously scheduled date for reopening. Cinemas and theaters are also closed, while museums located in the yellow regions will be allowed to reopen. 


After the scenes seen in Milan, Rome, Lucca, Catania and other cities on January 3 and 4, there is discussion on new anti-movida restrictions which, however, would be opposed by the Regions. In detail, the bars will continue to close at 18 pm, but unlike what was foreseen up to now, take-away sales will also be prohibited after six.
