
Will Berlin and Brussels become statesmen after Brexit?

Will Berlin and Brussels learn the lesson if Brexit wins the UK referendum? Will they be able to shed the "ragiunatt" mask to finally put on the role of statesmen by implementing policies that restore hope to citizens and relaunch a true Europe?

Where is Brexit taking us? Barring surprises, Brexit will pass on 23 June. At least that's how polls and markets have expressed themselves. It worries not only losing a big and valuable piece of the EU but even more that the voluntary and unilateral exit from the EU becomes a concrete fact.

Will Berlin and Brussels be able to put off the mask of the "ragiunatt" and put on that of the statesman? Quickly implementing policies that give all citizens the hoped-for opportunities, a true meaning for the Union?

If they don't, history will remember Brexit as the last unanswered call. Let's hope that those who have been enchanted by the song of the Valkyries for too long will hear it.
