
Women, at the top of companies are only a quarter, but they grow in those with high knowledge

The presence of women at the top of companies is still limited and in many sectors they are declining. Instead they grow in prestigious fields that require more knowledge

Women, at the top of companies are only a quarter, but they grow in those with high knowledge

Women at the top of companies remain in the background: out of four positions in the control rooms, only one is in the hands of a woman, showing growth below 1%. But women are growing in knowledge-intensive industries, like that scientific or financial or tourism.
This was stated by the Unioncamere-InfoCamere Observatory for Female Entrepreneurship, which sees growth limited to 0,88% to 8.602 positions at the top.
Even in the business world in general, women decreased by 0,46%, losing almost 12 positions between December 2019 and December 2021, by virtue of a substantial drop especially among members (about 19 fewer) and sole proprietorship owners (- 7 thousand).

Yet women are more innovative, attentive and responsible

It would seem a contradiction, to hear what he says Andrew Priest, president of Unioncamere, "women are more innovative, more attentive to the values ​​of environmental sustainability, more responsible towards their collaborators" adding that "We need to increase the presence of women in companies".

But the data is merciless. The analysis of the different leadership and administrative positions held within companies (984.366 those held by women at the end of 2021) shows that the presence of women tends to decrease as the level of responsibility rises.
Le women presidents they are 33.645: even if they have grown by 2,03%, they constitute only 18,03% of the total. Instead, they have a greater incidence women vice presidents: they are 18.327, 26,57% of the total and have increased by 3,37% since December 2019.
The greatest number of assignments mainly concerns the role of adviser (225 thousand, equal to 25,4% of the total, up by 2,52% compared to December 2019). The administrators then there are 38.577, equal to 22,68%, an increase of 4,48% compared to two years ago.
On the other hand, the decrease director/CEOs: today there are 4.532, they represent 22,74% of the total and have decreased by 4,77%.
As far as the managerial assignments, the already small number of female directors dwindles: they are 480, equal to 15,62% of the total and reduced by 61 units.

Women in clear recovery in the sectors where the head is used

On the other hand, some sectors with a higher knowledge content are more dynamic and proactive, according to a trend that has been going on for some time, such as Professional activities, scientific and technical (+3.751 women's businesses), the Services of information and communication (+ 1.014), the Education (+524) and the Health (+468). Positive results also for the sector real estate and finance (+1.929) and for rental, travel agencies and business support services (+2.195).

Many le innovative women, who have founded or participated in the foundation of one of the Italian women's businesses. One million and 342 thousand are those registered at the end of 2021, equal to 22,13% of the total, little changed compared to 2019 (+0,19%).
In this sense, the push of the regions of the South was decisive, in which there are today 7.646 more companies than in December 2019. On the contrary, the Center sees a decrease in the presence of female companies by 7.207 units, while in the north the increases have been modest: +1.696 in the North West (+0,54%) and +434 in the North East (+0,19%).
Some sectors where the presence of women is traditionally more widespread are more penalized by the pandemic. First of all Commerce, which has almost 6.300 fewer women-led businesses, Agriculture (-3.500) and manufacturing (-1.500).
