
Unemployment: Aspi and Naspi requests collapse in July

In July, INPS received a total of 208 applications for unemployment benefits, 32,4% less than in the same month last year

Unemployment: Aspi and Naspi requests collapse in July

INPS has provided data on unemployment claims related to the month of July, which resulted in a marked decrease compared to the same month of 2014. The national institute for social security has specified that claims for unemployment benefits referring to events prior to April 30 are classified as Aspi and mini Aspi while those relating to events after May XNUMXst are classified as naspi.

In July, 972 applications were submitted vacuum, 286 questions of mini Aspi and 201.539 applications for naspi. Added to these are also 219 applications between ordinary and special construction unemployment and 5312 mobility applications. Overall it is just over 208 thousand applications for unemployment, 32,4% less compared to 307.990 in July 2014. A drop that adds up to the even more substantial of the integration fund
