
PD direction: here are the 5 points to go to the government with the M5S

The PD decides to negotiate with the M5S to create a "Government of change", but dictates 5 conditions and focuses on the Budget law: "We are faced with a monstrous maneuver" - "No underhand accordicchicchi, everything in the light of the sun" - Word to the Five Stars

PD direction: here are the 5 points to go to the government with the M5S

From the Government of change to the Government of change. Nicola Zingaretti will deal with the 5 Star Movement to understand if there are possibilities of creating "a government of change for the legislature". This was decided by the Party Direction, convened on a permanent basis, which unanimously gave a mandate to its secretary to open negotiations with the pentastellati summits to try to find a majority that would act "in discontinuity" with the previous Government which fell yesterday in followed at resignation of Premier Conte and the latter's harsh attack on the now former deputy premier, Matteo Salvini. A political executive able to fully exercise its functions: “I don't believe in a transitional government that leads to a vote. It would be risky for the Democrats and also for the country”, the Governor of Lazio clarified. The document was approved by unanimous acclaim.

However, the PD has no intention of playing a supporting role and to allow the M5S to continue the legislature dictates 5 conditions: “Loyal membership of the European Union; full recognition of representative democracy, starting from the centrality of Parliament; development based on environmental sustainability; change in the management of migratory flows, with full protagonism of Europe; turning point of the economic and social recipes, in a redistributive key, which opens a season of investments". These points that Zingaretti has indicated as fundamental in the report to the Pd management to deal with the birth of a new government.

"No accordicchio under the counter but in the light of the sun, the verification to build a possible program, shared by a large parliamentary majority. We will verify these conditions in the light of day which, if they are not fulfilled, will lead the country to early elections ”, continued the leader of the Democratic Party.

According to the secretary, the one formed by Lega and M5S was "one of the worst governments in the history of the Republic and after 14 months it failed”. His legacy, he continued, "was dramatic."

However, the Pd puts one, the most important, before the conditions already indicated: the relative one of putting the Maneuver first and the need to avert the forthcoming VAT increase: “The problem is not the provisional exercise – explained Zingaretti – but the monstrous maneuver we have before us” and which amounts to at least 23 billion. “Let's forget that finding 23 billion is easy, for this reason the maneuver is the first point of the comparison”. 

This will be the line that the Democratic Party will take to the Quirinale during the consultations with the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Consultations that already start today, August 21st. In the afternoon, the Head of State will meet the presidents of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati, and of the Chamber Roberto Fico (16,45 pm). Subsequently it will be the turn of the Group for Autonomies of the Senate (17,30), of the Mixed group of the Senate (18), of the Mixed group of the Chamber (18,30), and of Liberi Eguali of the Chamber (19). President Emeritus Giorgio Napolitano, which is not in Rome, will be consulted by telephone. 

The big day will come tomorrow, when the parliamentary delegations of the Brothers of Italy, Pd, Forza Italia will go up to Colle; in the afternoon, from 16, instead it will be Lega and Cinquestelle.
