Digitization: TIM and Luiss together to train innovation talents

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Train new innovation talents who will lead the digital transformation of our country. This is the goal of the new one partnership between TIM's “Operazione Risorgimento Digitale” and 42 Roma Luiss, the programming school that allows students to develop the skills necessary to compete internationally, also through the experience of professionals and companies.

On the line of the French model of School42, the school there are no age limits or educational qualifications but only commitment and a lot of passion for computer programming, the so-called coding.

The learning path is design e self-managed: at the base a lot of practice and the mutual exchange of skills between the admitted students. The campus is located in Rome in the innovation hub "The Hub of LVenture Group", in via Marsala 29H, open 24 hours a day, 24 days a week.

Operation Risorgimento Digitale will actively participate in the training course of 42 Roma Luiss by offering students all the experience of the network of TIM experts and the network of project partners. Furthermore, the program is enriched with meetings and training workshops on digital skills to overcome the challenges of innovation. Finally, to bring students closer to the world of work, there is also the possibility of carrying out internships and engaging in project work

“We consider this partnership an important test case for the development of digital skills in our country – he declared Luigi Gubitosi, Chief Executive Officer of TIM – a new tool that allows you to connect different knowledge and experiences also through collaboration with the entrepreneurial fabric. Thanks to this initiative, together with 42 Roma Luiss we will accelerate the growth of innovation talent, promoting the dissemination and sharing of their skills in the community". 

“With the opening of the 42, Luiss has brought a revolutionary educational model to Italy – he commented Giovanni Lo Storto, Director General of the Luiss Guido Carli University -. A real full immersion in the world of coding, without hierarchies, structured according to the logic of peer-to-peer and learning by doing: mutual exchange and lots of practice. 42 Rome Since last January, Luiss has been offering 150 girls and boys the opportunity to build, free of charge, the digital skills necessary to contribute to the technological transformation of our country. Operation Risorgimento Digitale will guarantee our students the opportunity to broaden their study path with new professional experiences". 

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