
Diary of the earthquake: a booklet against psychological distress

The research group in emergency and safety psychology of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Bologna has developed a brochure to manage the psychological situation of those who have to bear the damage caused by the earthquake.

Diary of the earthquake: a booklet against psychological distress

A booklet to manage fear and stress during an earthquake swarm: it was developed by the research group in emergency and safety psychology coordinated by Luca Pietrantoni, professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bologna. Anyone who wants to read it can find it online at

In these hours the most imaginative news on the psychological earthquake syndrome is chasing each other and it is not worth chasing them all. However, it is true that those who live in the Modena area today feel particularly at risk, also given the repetition of strong tremors. Typical disturbances concern sleep (“I can't sleep”, “I have nightmares”), tiredness (“I can't stand these shocks anymore”, “I feel helpless, exhausted”), balance (“I have trembling in my legs”, “I feel dizzy, as if I am about to fall”, “I feel nauseous”).

The group from Bologna suggests doing some relaxation exercises, some physical activity, helping others, but also getting information on the characteristics of the earthquakes and on the events that have occurred, without exaggerating. Talking about your discomfort is good, so those who suffer can refer to the listening points made available by the affected municipalities or talk about it with those close to them.
