
Earthquake diary: Emilia, between Mirandola and S. Felice sul Panaro the ground has risen by 12 cm

DIARY OUT OF THE CHORUS - It is the impressive effect, according to the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, caused by the earthquake of May 29 which brought destruction and death - And the earth continues to shake: even tonight there was a dozen of aftershocks (with a maximum magnitude of 2,9).

Earthquake diary: Emilia, between Mirandola and S. Felice sul Panaro the ground has risen by 12 cm

The ground has risen up to 12 centimeters for 50 square kilometers between Mirandola and San Felice sul Panaro: this is the impressive effect caused by the earthquake of 29 May which brought destruction and death to Emilia. The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology says it today, which measured this displacement in collaboration with the Cnr-Irea of ​​Naples. With a technique called "Interferometry", the researchers quantified the permanent effect due to the strong and superficial tremors, a result similar to that recorded after the L'Aquila earthquake, where the displacement of the ground was 15 centimetres. A complete satellite analysis of the Emilian soil in the month of May shows an orientation of the deformations in an east-west direction.    

Unfortunately, the study does not put a full stop on these events. In fact, the seismic swarm continues and last night there were about ten tremors (with a maximum magnitude of 2,9). Maybe the situation is normalizing, maybe not. “It's too early to say that we are at the end – claims Warner Marzocchi, manager of Ingv – we hope to move towards a slow decrease in the magnitude of earthquakes, but there may still be events of a certain importance. Quiet days may still alternate with more restless days".
