
Diary of the earthquake: 219 damaged schools, 50 students involved

There are 121 state schools that have been totally damaged - we read on the Region's website - and 94 that are partially unusable. To these we must add more than 100 private schools for infants: in 50 damage has been ascertained, in another 52 the checks are still ongoing. in progress.

Diary of the earthquake: 219 damaged schools, 50 students involved

Fifty thousand students involved, 219 schools damaged: this is the outcome of education in Emilia-Romagna after the earthquake. In the affected areas, work is being done to guarantee ballots and exams, compatibly with what is happening. "The kids have the right to an evaluation - says the regional councilor Patrizio Bianchi -, for this we are looking for the places where to carry out the activities, however on 17 September all our children will have to go back to school". In this area, too, the race is against time, but the aftershocks that follow each time force new checks on the buildings.

There are 121 state schools that have been totally damaged - we read on the Region's website - and 94 that are partially unusable. To these we must add more than 100 private schools for infants: in 50 damage has been ascertained, in another 52 the checks are still ongoing. in progress. “Overall there are about 50 students involved”. Some university buildings were also damaged, above all that of Ferrara; 5 vocational training centers are unusable.
