Even the free-range and robust Paduan hens, accustomed to rustic shelters, will find the new smart chicken coop, one of the many pet-tecture solutions - the civilians architectures dedicated to animals domestic – which are taking over space in shopping malls dedicated to pet supplies, on television programs and in manuals on how to take care of our four-legged friends.
The section is dedicated to these new trends. show Architecture for Dogs, inaugurated on Monday 2 December atAdi Design Museum in Milan. Curated by the Japanese designer Kenyan Hara, the exhibition makes its debut in Italy after the first European edition in London. On display, a series of design interpretations dedicated to the spaces in which animals can live at their best.
Milan Celebrates Design for Animals at Adi Museum
The choice of Milan and ADI Design Museum It is no coincidence: the city and the Museum represent a global reference point for design. Furthermore, the museum is one of the few in Italy to allow dogs, thus underlining – as indicated in the press release – the importance of a positive relationship between people and animals, in an open and welcoming cultural environment.
Many names of international architects and designers participated in the exhibition, with projects ranging from tree houses to luxurious chicken coops, Up to houses o large mansions for single animals or entire families. Even the world of high fashion has embraced design for animals, as demonstrated by the capsule collection designed by Giorgio Armani together with Poldo Dog Couture.
Il market of pets it's strong growth and in 2023 it reached a global value of over 133 billion dollars. In Italy there are 15 million dogs, but in Europe cats dominate, present in 26% of homes. In North America, however, dogs are the most numerous pets.
Demetra, the designer bowl holder
In parallel, another novelty underlines how design can also improve everyday objects for our animals. It is about Demeter, bowl holders for dogs and cats of all sizes, designed by DA Study., a historic Milanese architecture and design studio with over 60 years of history, today led by architect Matteo Pietro Maria Casati.
This bowl holder stands out for its soft and dynamic lines, the high-quality materials and the ergonomics that follow the principles of good design. Made of Pmm thermo-curved e hand shaped, is equipped with non-slip silicone rubber and AISI 304 stainless steel bowls for food use. The series is available in different combinations of colors, dimensions e heights, customizable thanks to the craftsmanship.
Demetra integrates easily both indoors and outdoors and is easy to clean using a soft cloth and neutral detergent.
Part of proceeds of the sales, available online at studioda.it website, will be donated to Amoglianimali Onlus. Studio DA, known internationally, also boasts a presence in the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York in the Architecture and Design section.
Demetra represents the first project of a collection that aims to combine aesthetics, functionality and respect for animals, in the name of sustainability and quality design.