
Fiscal delegation in the classroom in mid-October, Pd amendment accepted on work benefits

The examination of the tax delegation is drawing to a close. Approximately 320 amendments were proposed in the Finance Committee, eleven of which were rejected due to non-relatedness to the subject. The bill should arrive in the classroom in the middle of the month.

Fiscal delegation in the classroom in mid-October, Pd amendment accepted on work benefits

Presented by the government on 15 June, the examination of the tax delegation is starting to be concluded in the Finance Committee.

The working group met today under the guidance of the rapporteur Alberto You flow (Pd), and tomorrow the work could definitively close in the referent seat, paving the way for the trial in the courtroom in the middle of the month.

“In any case – assures Fluvi – we have set ourselves the maximum target on Friday”, while the discussion in the Assembly could be scheduled starting from the session of Monday 15 October.

Up to now, the progress in the commission has been rather rapid, despite the approx 320 amendments presented by all political forces. Of these, eleven were considered extraneous to the object of the legislative intervention, and subsequently rejected.

The commission today voted in favor of a variation of the Democrat Cause, who proposed an amendment aimed at safeguarding the "institutions for the protection of income from employment and self-employment and pensions“, which combine to form that “monstre” tax erosion from 250 billion per year which has been reached through the stratification of approx 720 standards in favor of all categories.

Other issues, however, have been set aside: in particular the provisions on the rules on abuse of law ed tax avoidance and those related to the implementation of the tax cut fund, which should enter into force in 2014.

However, the fund, set up by the Berlusconi government, will not act automatically, as the Undersecretary for the Economy, Vieri Ceriani recalled yesterday, since the reduction of the tax burden will be possible "to the extent that it is demonstrated that the results of the fight against evasion are positive and if there will be macroeconomic conditions”.

As for elusive practices, there is agreement among the lawyers, who agree on the discipline of the abuse of rights (article 5 of the bill). The CNF, however, has expressed its "concern for an institution that lends itself to an interpretative activity by the judiciary and administration, which could prove to be overflowing for the taxpayer". Hence the proposed changes "to restore the balance between the fight against tax evasion and the right guarantees for the taxpayer".

The lawyer, therefore, insists on the need to modify the delegation, to safeguard the non-criminal relevance of evasive behavior and the effective application of sanctions only when the sentence becomes final.
