
Del Fante (Terna) and Valotti (A2A) utility manager of the year

Terna's CEO, Matteo Del Fante, and the president of A2A, Giovanni Valotti, are the winners of the "Utility Manager of the Year 2015" awards promoted by the magazine "Management delle Utilities e delle Infrastrutture" directed by Andrea Gilardoni (Bocconi) – Del Fante won it for the Energy section and Valotti for the Local Public Services section

Del Fante (Terna) and Valotti (A2A) utility manager of the year

The "Utility Manager of the Year 2015" prizes were awarded by Management of utilities and infrastructures (MUI), directed by Andrea Gilardoni, professor of Economics and Business Management at Bocconi University.

The 2015 Energy Award went to Matteo Del Fante, CEO of Terna spa; the 2015 prize for local public services was assigned to Giovanni Valotti, Chairman of A2A spa and of Utilitalia.

The prize is awarded through a secret ballot in which the active electorate is made up of members of the scientific and honorary committees of the Management of utilities and infrastructures magazine, which includes authoritative professors and exponents of these sectors.

Each year, one or more operators in the Utilities sectors are awarded who have distinguished themselves for their contribution to the development of the system. The award will be presented tomorrow, Tuesday 23 February in Milan, on the occasion of the XVI annual Workshop of the Observatory on Alliances and Strategies of the Pan-European Utilities Market.
