
Development decree, here are the possible changes

Taxation, banks, beaches and waste: these are the issues on which the Budget and Finance commissions of the Chamber could intervene - On the banking front, among the possible innovations, the hypothesis of a rewriting of the "ius variandi" stands out

   Tax authorities, banks, beaches and waste: these are the issues on which the amendments to the Development decree could be concentrated, being examined by the Budget and Finance commissions of the Chamber. The two speakers, Giuseppe Marinello (Pdl) and Maurizio Fugatti (Lega), make no secret of it: a reflection is underway on enforced collection and tax 'jaws', on measures for banks - including the cap on bonuses - as well as on state concessions and surface rights on beaches.

On the delicate and very topical issue of the "jaws", Marinello points out that the aim is to safeguard the capital goods of the company and the first home. They would then be excluded for the sums due within the ceiling of two thousand euros. In any case, specifies the exponent of the PDL, the offices are "evaluating the economic impact" of these measures. Still on the fiscal front, among the novelties that seem to be on the horizon is an extension of the suspension for the executive assessment: "an intermediate position can be reached between the various proposals", Marinello anticipates. That is, to go from the current 120 days to 360.

    On the banking front, among the possible innovations, the hypothesis of a rewriting of the so-called "ius variandi" stands out, i.e. the possibility for credit institutions to unilaterally modify contracts with businesses - excluding small ones - and the introduction of limits on bankers' bonuses with the assignment of powers to Bank of Italy as required by European regulations. Even if on this last point the majority "has not yet addressed the issue", Marinello said. But the issue is "definitely on the table", underlines the Northern League Fugatti.

   As for the beach 'chapter', two hypotheses remain: excerpt or rewriting of the rules. 

   Then there is the issue of waste. The group leader of the League in the Finance Committee, Maurizio Fugatti, indicates a "strong request" from his group with regards to Sistri, the IT system for tracing garbage. "We are aiming for abolition - he explains - but, if this is not possible, at least we want a long extension".
