
Irpef decree, green light for Senate commissions: postponement of Tasi to October and increase in pension fund taxes

The examination in the Hall of Palazzo Madama begins this morning: the use of trust granted - The amendment on the postponement of the Tasi to 16 October in the Municipalities where the rate has not been approved - Ok also to the increase to 11,50, 2014% of the taxation of pension funds in 80 – Extension of the XNUMX euro Irpef bonus to large single-income families postponed

Green light from the Senate Budget and Finance commissions to Irpef decree. The examination in the Hall of Palazzo Madama will already begin this morning. Given the extremely tight deadlines (the provision must arrive in the House on June 13), recourse to trust now seems obvious.

The commissions approved the Government amendment on the postponement to 16 October of the payment of the Tasi in Municipalities where the rate has not been approved and the postponement of the rules in force since 2016. The amendment states that the Ministry of the Interior will give the latecomers an amount (drawn from the Municipal Solidarity Fund) corresponding to 20% of the annual Tasi revenue estimated at the basic rate by 50 June.

I also voted in favor of the rapporteurs' amendment on theincrease to 11,50% of the taxation of pension funds in 2014 to cover the sterilization of the tax increase on financial income to 26% for the privatized pension funds. 

This is a bridging rule "pending the harmonization, starting from 2015, of the discipline of taxation of income of a financial nature" of the Funds with that relating to supplementary pension schemes. The only change included in the amendment foresees that four million of higher revenues (exceeding the coverage) will flow into the fund for structural economic policy interventions.

Nothing done for theextension of the Irpef bonus from 80 euros to large single-income families. According to sources from the majority, the extension of the tax benefit will not be included in the personal income tax decree, but a guideline will be introduced in article 1 of the measure which postpones the operation to the next stability law.

They are confirmed instead stop gold rentals and cuts of 150 million euros to Rai, but the regional offices are preserved. Referral to 2016 for online calls for tenderssurpassing newspaper publication.
