
Dignity Decree: in the Chamber postponed to Monday, the risk of trust rises

The text was expected today in the Chamber at Montecitorio, but in the committee it is difficult to find the balance, in particular on the return of vouchers and the coverage of the extension of incentives for stable hirings - The hypothesis of confidence that the M5S would like to avoid it is gaining ground at any cost – Salvini on the field after the revolt of the Venetian industrialists

Dignity Decree: in the Chamber postponed to Monday, the risk of trust rises

Il Dignity Decree slide again. The examination of text proceeds slowly in the Labor and Finance committees in the Chamber, therefore the arrival of the measure in the Chamber, initially scheduled for today, Thursday 26 August, has been postponed to Monday 30. The go-ahead from Montecitorio should therefore arrive on Thursday 2 August. This means that the first decree of the Conte government will not arrive in the Senate before Monday 6, so the definitive go-ahead should arrive as soon as possible. the next 10 August.

The question is not a trivial one, because the summer break will take place anyway and the Dignity Decree must be definitively approved before 12 Septemberunder penalty of forfeiture of the decree. Thus the hypothesis of placing the text on the text takes shape a matter of trust to shorten the times as much as possible, but it is a path that the 5 Star Movement would like to avoid taking to avoid exposing itself to accusations of delegitimizing Parliament, criticisms that the grillini themselves have addressed for years to previous governments due to their massive use of the formula law decree more trustwhich effectively transforms the Government into the true holder of legislative power.

In any case, first of all it remains to be resolved deadlock in committee, where so far only the less controversial amendments have been examined. The most problematic proposed change is probably one that would introduce an additional increase in the single tax levy, necessary to finance the extension of incentives to stable hiring, the fundamental novelty on which the Five Star-Lega agreement is based.

Another difficult obstacle to overcome is that of voucher. The Minister of Labour, Luigi Di Maio, has already announced the go-ahead for the return of job vouchers (which he himself defined as "a form of slavery" no later than a year and a half ago) but it remains to clarify what the stakes to their use.

The League has remained in a non-interventionist position to save the Salvini-Di Maio agreement, but the revolt of Venetian entrepreneurs forces the Northern League leader to take over the dossier. Minister Centinaio has already snatched the reintroduction of vouchers in agriculture and tourism but it will probably lead to the decontribution for permanent contracts. Will it go further? Difficult to say because time is looming and the trust that Di Maio did not want could instead become a necessity to respect the conversion times.
