
Decree of doing: green light from the Senate, back to the Chamber

The text now being examined by the Chamber - Lega, Movimeno 5 Stelle and Sel are against - Today the executive was beaten on a Lega-Pdl amendment that abolishes the new rules for access to competitions for prosecutors - On Tuesday the government had been beaten on the amendment, also formulated by Carroccio, which abolishes the tax on mobile phones

Decree of doing: green light from the Senate, back to the Chamber

The Fare decree passes to the Senate, with 190 votes in favour, 67 against and 1 abstention. The text now returns to the Chamber for the third reading and final approval. The votes against are from Lega, M5s and Sel.

The government went under today on the "justice package" of the reform with an amendment branded Lega-Pdl, on which the executive had expressed a contrary opinion, and which provides for the suppression of access to competitions for those who have passed the internship in the first year of the school of specialization for the legal professions.

The green light to the amendment came after a heated debate in the Assembly, with the transversal intervention of the senators of the Justice Commission, while the executive unsuccessfully proposed to reformulate the law (already modified in the Commission). In particular, the amendment provides for the abolition of the provision of article 73 of the decree which allows those who have completed an internship at the judicial offices to participate in the competition in the judiciary. The proposal came from the League and from the president of the Justice Commission, Francesco Nitto Palma.

The executive was beaten on Tuesday on the amendment, also formulated by Carroccio, which abolishes the tax on mobile phones.

In the morning, however, the PDL had attempted a blitz on an amendment to raise the limit on the use of cash from 1.000 to 3.000 euros. The proposed modification was voted on by the Pdl senators but rejected by the hall of Palazzo Madama. Instead, an agenda has been approved which commits the government to correcting the rules passed by the previous executive on the reorganization of the judicial districts and therefore of the Italian courts.

The cut to the salaries of public managers has also been approved. "The 25% cut in the salaries of public managers is another small but important step towards social equity in our country and a precise signal to citizens", said Senator Francesco Russo (Pd), after the approval of the amendment to the Fare decree.

In the afternoon, the examination of the more than 100 articles of the decree was completed and the explanations of vote began. The maxi provision, modified, will be examined by the Constitutional Affairs and Budget commissions of Deputies starting tomorrow morning, final approval is expected on Friday.

