Bank Ifis press the accelerator on reduction of emissions by 2030. The challenger bank, in line with the commitments made when joining the Net-zero banking alliance (NZBA) - the initiative promoted by the United Nations to accelerate the sustainable transition of the international banking sector - communicated its emissions reduction targets financed by 2030 on the credit portfolio. Following the analysis of the priority sectors defined by the Nzba, Bank Ifis has identified 3 sectors, linked to the automotive world, which make it possible to cover more than 80% of financed exposures and emissions, considered by the NZBA.
"The goals that we are communicating today - declared the vice president of Banca Ifis, Ernesto Furstenberg Fassio – represent an important milestone in a process that began seven months ago with the presentation of the business plan and confirm the commitment made by adhering, as the first Italian bank, to the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, to contribute to the sustainable transition of the banking sector and our businesses. “We will continue to periodically monitor the evolution of the portfolio and to act concretely to respect our commitments, also by developing dedicated products and services to support our companies in their path of innovation and growth” concludes Fassio.
Banca Ifis' decarbonisation strategy to 2030
The goals that Bank Ifis aims to reach by 2030 I'm:
- for the sector car leasing, the bank presents a starting base of financed emissions equal to 130 gCO2e/km, with the aim of reaching 85 gCO2e/km in 2030;
- for the automotive manufacturers and distributors sector, the Bank presents a starting base of financed emissions equal to 153 gCO2e/km, with the aim of reaching 85 gCO2e/km in 2030;
- for the sector Leasing Trucks, the Bank presents a starting base of financed emissions of 52 gCO2e/tkm5, with the aim of reaching 37 gCO2e/tkm5 in 2030.
Banca Ifis initiatives for sustainable transition
This new commitment adds to the other initiatives already launched by Banca Ifis to support the mobility sectors planet , environmental transition of SMEs. In February 2022, thanks to an agreement with Stellantis, the Institute announced the renewal of the entire corporate fleet with the aim of adopting more than 50% of ecological vehicles within 4 years. With the "Ifis Green" program, the Bank is committed to developing products and services that promote sustainable practices, such as the leasing of electric vehicles. Furthermore, during 2021, the Bank introduced "green" loan products and programs and signed an agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) for a ceiling of 100 million euro in loans to support the green projects of SMEs.
In all its offices and branches in Italy, the Bank also uses only energy that comes 100% from sources renewable. Lastly, Banca Ifis promotes a culture of corporate sustainability among SMEs through dedicated periodic analyzes and research. With Kaleidos Impact Watch, a six-monthly observatory with a focus on the business sector, the bank has created an ad hoc index to measure the intensity of investment in sustainability of SMEs.