
Decline Berlusconi: in the afternoon the video message, tonight the first vote of the Council

According to rumors, in the registration Berlusconi does not ask to start the government crisis: he reiterates his self-defense and officially launches Forza Italia 2.0 - The vote of the senators will arrive in the evening and it is practically assumed that Augello's report will be rejected.

Decline Berlusconi: in the afternoon the video message, tonight the first vote of the Council

After weeks of stalemate and empty threats, today the viewers of the telenovela on Silvio Berlusconi's decadence are waiting for at least two new things. First: the Knight should finally make public the video message that has been awaited for days, after the last minute changes made yesterday. Second: the Senate elections and immunities committee is called to vote on the report by Andrea Augello (PDL), who has asked for the seat of the former premier to be confirmed despite the definitive four-year sentence for tax fraud. 

Il video message it should be released in the early afternoon. According to rumors, in the registration Berlusconi does not ask to start the government crisis. The Knight simply reiterates his self-defense, attacking his alleged persecutors - primarily magistrates and members of the Democratic Party - but above all he officially launches the project to re-found his old creature, Forza Italia.  

It seems that the former Premier is also intervening on the pronouncement of the Cassation regarding the conviction of Fininvest for the Lodo Mondadori. Furthermore, from a strictly media point of view, it is clear that the timing chosen for the publication also aims to overshadow the meeting of the council.

Il vote of senators will arrive in the evening and it is practically obvious that it will be unfavorable to Berlusconi: Pd, M5S and SC, in favor of decadence, have the majority in the Giunta with 13 votes out of 23. After this first pronouncement, the president of the Giunta, Dario Stefàno (SEL), he will have to identify a new speaker (probably he will nominate himself) and convene, after an interval of ten days, the public session to "dispute" the parliamentary office, in which Berlusconi himself or his lawyers will be able to present new reasons against the forfeiture.

At that point the Giunta will meet in chambers to deliberate. Finally, the file will be sent to the president of the Senate, Pietro Grasso, who will have to schedule the vote in the House, which is entrusted with the last word (almost certainly by secret ballot). The final act should be staged in mid-October, but it is possible that Berlusconi will choose to play in advance, resigning from the Senate before the final vote.

The Severino law provides for the exclusion from Parliament for those sentenced to sentences of more than two years and yesterday the former Minister of Justice, Paola Severino, recalled how last year "everyone agreed on that law".
