
Berlusconi's decadence, the Pdl threatens the government crisis

Schifani: "If the vote on Berlusconi's forfeiture were to be political, coexistence in the executive would be impossible" - Letta: "My government staggers but does not fall" - Today the Bureau of the Junta is meeting for the elections, which decide times and methods of work.

Berlusconi's decadence, the Pdl threatens the government crisis

His dismissal from the Senate is only a matter of time: he can try to postpone it, but the outcome of the vote is obvious. For this Silvio Berlusconi could play in advance and open the government crisis even before Palazzo Madama marks the end of his official political life, with the aim of returning to the vote at the end of November. 

Yesterday Renato Schifani, leader of the PDL senators, raised doubts about the composition of the council for elections and immunities, the same one that will have to decide whether to oust Berlusconi from office.

"It is quite evident - said Schifani - that the violation of the elementary principles of confidentiality by some members of the Board who have declared how they will vote requires President Grasso's assessment of the need to proceed with their replacement". 

A hope disappointed by Pietro Grasso, who recalled how "the President of the Senate has the power to renew the members of the Junta for the elections only in certain cases, governed by article 19 of the Senate regulations, which certainly do not include the 'expression of opinions on the issues submitted for evaluation by the Giunta'.

Schifani then changed his interlocutor and, addressing the Democratic Party, explicitly threatened the Letta government: “We will ask for a merit vote on the non-forfeiture or, alternatively, a devolution of the problem to the Constitutional Court or the European Court. If the vote on Berlusconi's forfeiture were to be political, and therefore reflect the distinctions of political forces, coexistence in the executive would be impossible”. 

However, signs of easing have arrived from the Executive: “My government is staggering but does not fall”, commented Enrico Letta, flaunting confidence. The Premier is well aware that Giorgio Napolitano is protecting the majority of him. The President of the Republic would do anything to not dissolve the Chambers before the electoral reform, and, in the event that there were no numbers to create a "Letta-bis", he could choose the path of resignation. At that point, Berlusconi would in any case lose his parliamentary immunity (fundamental in view of the forthcoming trials) and, moreover, he would risk finding himself with Stefano Rodotà or Romano Prodi al Colle. 

The latest threats from Pideiline, however, came a few hours after a decisive appointment for the future of the Cavaliere in the Senate, where the Bureau of the Giunta meets today at 13,30pm. On the agenda is the calendar of works starting from 9 September, when Andrea Augello (PDL) will hold a report on the case involving the former prime minister, asking to send the documents to the Constitutional Court. On that same date, the decision of the Bureau on the time to convene the Giunta and on the working method to be followed will be the subject of a general discussion and any disagreement would inevitably lengthen the time.  

Not only. According to some rumors, after the (almost certain) rejection of his proposal, Augello could resign, making it necessary to appoint a new supervisor. Another move to lengthen the time.
