
The Scuola di San Nicola for intercultural dialogue on sustainability makes its debut in Bari today

The first initiative of the Scuola di San Nicola starts today from Bari, promoted by the Universities of Bari and Salento to develop intercultural dialogue, which will bring together the world's leading experts in sustainability analyzed from multiple points of view: the Russian Elena Zakharova, the Swede Miriam Huitric and the German Klaus Bosselmann

The first initiative of the Scuola di San Nicola for intercultural dialogue promoted by the universities of Bari and Salento makes its debut today in Bari. The first issue, which will last until 16 December and then be repeated in May, will be represented by the Interdisciplinary School for Sustainability (ISS), i.e. an international interdisciplinary school on sustainability which will be characterized every day by a lectio magistralis and by analysis and comparison with the students.

Sustainability will be addressed from multiple points of view: technical-scientific, economic, legal, historical-philosophical and medical. The lessons will all be in English and will be animated by leading world experts, including the Russian Elena Zakharova, who is among the world's leading scientific authorities in the field of nephrology, by the Swedish Miriam Huitrich, expert on biodiversity and resilience, and by the German Klaus Bosselmann, one of the best-known scholars in the world in safeguarding environmental sustainability.

60 students will participate in the first edition, half of them coming from foreign universities in Argentina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine. For the occasion, a summit of the rectors of the various universities interested in various capacities will also be held in Bari. "Despite being secular - explain Giovanni Ferri and Paolo Leoci, heads of the School - the Scuola di San Nicola intends to become an international point of reference and a meeting place between different cultures under the aegis of the tradition of San Nicola, symbol of globalized man of his times and emblem of intercultural dialogue. The value of Nicola's message, traditionally focused on the protection of young people, is renewed in a forward-looking concept of sustainability which, in addition to the environment, concerns the equality of opportunities between peoples and different generations".
