
Public debt, new record in June: 1.972,94 billion

In May it had risen to 1.966,3 billion – Meanwhile, in the first six months of 2012, tax revenues increased to 180,159 billion, +2,08% on an annual basis

Public debt, new record in June: 1.972,94 billion

New record of debt. According to the supplement to the Bank of Italy's statistical bulletin on public finance, a June the general government debt increased again, reaching its quota 1.972,94 billion, after having risen to 1.966,3 billion in May.

Public debt, explains Via Nazionale, increased by 6,6 billion compared to May, reaching a new all-time high. The increase was mainly due to the growth in cash and cash equivalents held by the Treasury (by 10,3 billion, to 46,1 billion) and issue discounts (1,7 billion), which more than offset the surplus of 5,4 billions of the month.

This surplus - underlines Bankitalia - was reduced, and consequently the debt increased, by 0,2 billion (1,4 billion in the same month last year) from Italy's share of the disbursements made by the European financial Stability Facility (EFSF). Net of EFSF disbursements, the surplus would have been 5,6 billion, 2,6 billion higher than in the same period of 2011.

Meanwhile, in the first six months of 2012, the tax revenue they increased to 180,159 billion, an increase of 2,08% compared to the 176,479 billion collected in the same period last year.
