
Pa debts, Squinzi: with repayment of 48 billion, 250 thousand employed and GDP growth of one point

This would be the scenario for the next five years if at least 48 billion was repaid to businesses. Giorgio Squinzi, president of Confindustria, is convinced of this, also on the basis of data from the Viale dell'Astronomia Study Center.

Pa debts, Squinzi: with repayment of 48 billion, 250 thousand employed and GDP growth of one point

"The repayment of at least 48 billion of Pa debts to companies would lead to an increase of about 5 employees and a 250% increase in GDP over the next 1 years, 16 billion euros, for the first three years, up to 1,5 .2018% in XNUMX”. Giorgio Squinzi, president of Confindustria, made these statements on the basis of data from the Viale dell'Astronomia Study Centre.

"The government in office will have to promptly take steps - he continued - to adopt all the necessary measures for the liquidation of what is due to the companies, as indicated by the European Commission".

Attachments: FIRSTonline - The Revenue Agency announces that over one billion VAT refunds will reach businesses
