
Stability bill, ok from the Senate

With 156 votes in favor, 12 against and only one abstention, the provision collects the ok from Palazzo Madama and goes directly to the Chamber - The approval of Montecitorio should arrive without changes as early as tomorrow.

Stability bill, ok from the Senate

Il ddl Stability he obtained the green light from the Senate with 156 votes in favour, 12 against and only one abstention. All the majority groups voted ok, while Pd and IDV did not participate in the vote, despite remaining in the Chamber. Only the IDV voted for the rejection of the measure. Now the text passes to the Chamber, where approval is expected as early as tomorrow, without changes.

The bill contains the maxi-amendment developed by the government to implement the commitments undertaken by Italy in the letter of intent sent to Brussels. Among the main innovations introduced in the bill are the measures on pensions, real estate disposals, mobility for state employees, the squeeze on the debt of Regions and local authorities, the liberalization of local services, and the stop on the minimum rates for professionals.

The definitive approval of the law represents a crucial junction for the continuation of the legislature. When the bill becomes law, Silvio Berlusconi will present his resignation to the Head of State, who will immediately start consultations with the aim of creating a new government of national unity. It should be chaired by Mario Monti. The aim is to create the new Executive in a very short time, before the reopening of the markets on Monday.
