
Dattoli (Talent Garden): "Four million jobs can't find the right candidates"

Davide Dattoli, the founder of Talent Garden, the largest European coworking platform, speaks - "Digital jobs change every ten years"

Dattoli (Talent Garden): "Four million jobs can't find the right candidates"

Four million jobs that are not assigned for the most absurd reason, in a country where unemployment is one of the most burning issues, having risen to 12% in recent years: there are no candidates. Someone who invented the job and who was also very young spoke about it with La Stampa: Davide Dattoli he founded in 2014, when he was only 23 years old, the coworking of digital creatives Talent Garden, which has now become Europe's largest platform for digital talent, aiming for a listing on the stock exchange in 2018. 

"Yes - explains Dattoli speaking of a desire to grow often weighed down by the malfunctioning of schools, businesses and administration -, the places available in Italy it is not possible to assign due to lack of candidates with the right skills are valued at four million. But I also blame the parents. They tell their children "take a traditional degree that you are comfortable" and in the end they only create new unemployed".

Davide has no employment problems. I Tag him, i Talent gardens organized on 18 campuses in six countries intersect 150 companies, are “physical platforms for digital talent” for young people, professionals and large companies such as Uber, Deliveroo and Tesla. But how do posts that have no author come about? “The main cause is the rapid change of professions. You used to study Law and thought you'd have the same job all your life. Now you have to agree to renew yourself four or five times. Digital jobs change every ten years. Not long ago everyone was looking for social media experts, there were opportunities for thousands of people, but in the future it will be different. The audience will do it themselves. And they will have to recycle themselves”.

And what are these jobs that no one is able to do? “Different, even in traditional sectors. For example, I see software developers, digital marketing, e-commerce and user experience, digital design experts required. They are sought-after profiles. Dozens ask us. But I'm not there." The challenge is therefore, according to Dattoli, that of connect the world of work with training: "For example, with the limited number of universities, so as to produce only the graduates that are needed and better direct funds for study, in this way we support not those who take more courses, but those who produce more prepared students".

Other trades will vanish with the fourth industrial revolution. “In five years everything will be different again. In Silicon Valley there is a lot of talk about the centrality of the person. I don't have an answer. The challenge is to understand that the population must be more creative than manual. Growth must be a cultural rather than an industrial theme”.
