
Datagate, Letta to Kerry: "Clarifying the indiscretions"

From Palazzo Chigi they let it be known that the head of American diplomacy has maintained a "cooperative attitude": the US has already "put the problem under review"

Datagate, Letta to Kerry: "Clarifying the indiscretions"

Prime Minister Enrico Letta met today with the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, and raised "the question of the datagate", underlining "the need to verify the veracity of the rumors" on any "violations of privacy" by the National Security Agency of the United States to the detriment of Italian citizens. This was revealed by sources at Palazzo Chigi, specifying that the head of American diplomacy has maintained a "cooperative attitude": the US has already "put the problem under review".

During the conversation, which lasted over an hour, Kerry and Letta also addressed the issue relating to Libya, on which the US has long asked for Italy's support, especially as regards the "training plan for the 270 Libyans". 

There was also talk of the peace process in the Middle East, which "Italy strongly supports, in light of yesterday's meeting" between Letta and Israeli premier Benyamin Netanyahu, whom Kerry is meeting today in Rome. 

The Italian prime minister and the US secretary of state then discussed other dossiers: from Syria (in view of the convening of the Geneva 2 peace conference) to Egypt (analyzing the transition road map from the military regime), from Iran (in reference to the openings coming from Tehran on nuclear power) to Afghanistan (the "framework of the electoral process" and the "phase following the conclusion of ISAF operations"). 
