
Dario Franceschini defends Schlein but with the vagueness of the contents, the alternative to Meloni does not arise

Elly Schlein's main sponsor defends the new secretary after the electoral debacle but seems to ignore that the vagueness of the contents of the current Pd does not even remotely foreshadow an alternative to the Meloni government

Dario Franceschini defends Schlein but with the vagueness of the contents, the alternative to Meloni does not arise

"Let's not make the mistake of caging Elly" the former dem minister of Culture, Dario, rebels Franceschini that of the secretariat Schlein is the first shareholder. It is right not to attribute all the responsibility for the electoral defeat in the last administration to the new secretary. However, the interview given today by Franceschini to Republic seems to close its eyes to the central problem of the crisis Pd of today and does not even seem to understand the reasons for it. If you did a survey among citizens and asked what the Democratic Party really wants and how it plans to build a realistic alternative to Meloni government how many would really know how to answer? The problem is that perhaps not even the Democratic Party would be able to clearly say what it wants. But the vagueness of content that characterizes the Schlein secretariat can be used to win the craziest primaries in the world (but where has it ever been seen that non-members choose the leadership of the party?) but certainly not the elections, neither the administrative nor the national ones. And until there is clarity on the programs and on the allies (it is curious that Franceschini does not even mention it by mistake Matteo Renzi but climb the mirrors of an improbable arithmetic), Meloni can sleep peacefully: for now thealternative of the centre-left is light years away. For Franceschini Down there is no escape.
