
Danone, profit down 2011% in 10, but prospects for 2012 are good

The agro-food group closed the year with a declining profit, but in line with analysts' expectations – On the other hand, revenue and operating margin are growing, driven by emerging countries, and forecasts for 2012 bring sales up to + 7%.

Danone, profit down 2011% in 10, but prospects for 2012 are good

The French agri-food group Danone closed 2011 with a net profit of 1,75 billion euros, down 10% from the previous year. The result, perfectly in line with the positive expectations of analysts, was driven in particular by the emerging countries.

On the other hand, overall turnover increased by 7,8% to 19,3 billion euros, slightly better than forecast by the financial community (19,2 billion). The operating margin is also growing: 14,72%, while the forecasts for 2012 are also positive, for which Danone's sales are expected to grow from 5 to 7%.

The main driver of 2011 was the emerging countries, from which 51% of the turnover came, while in Europe sales were almost stable despite an increase in prices due to the rise in many raw materials.
