
From masks to flights, here are the rules and bans from July 14th

The Government is extending the contagion containment measures currently in force - Minister Speranza in Parliament - Still no decision on the state of emergency.

From masks to flights, here are the rules and bans from July 14th

The Government has issued a new Dpcm (Decree of the Council of Ministers) which renews the measures aimed at containing the increase in infections from coronavirus and, as far as possible, limit the emergence of new outbreaks.

In fact, the rules in force so far expire today, Tuesday 14 July. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, went to the Senate to illustrate what the behaviors to follow and the measures to be implemented will be, at least until 31 July.

From the obligation to wear masks indoors to the reopening of discos, passing through the ban on entry into Italy for citizens from certain countries, here are the new arrivals.


The Dpcm extends the obligation to wear masks in closed places where social distancing cannot be respected. No gloves, however, since with incorrect use they could "represent an additional risk". In public places, pubs or restaurants for example, it will be necessary to leave your personal details to the managers. The latter will have to keep them for two weeks in order to facilitate the tracing and identification of any contacts with infected people.

The obligation to sanitize the premises, to prepare dispensers containing disinfectant at the entrance and to use thermoscanners in offices or shopping centers has also been extended.


The ban on gatherings is at the heart of the new decree of the Prime Minister, as are the fines for those who violate the rules. The aim, also in this case, is to avoid the onset of new outbreaks and the spread of infections from Covid-19. For the same reasons, checks will also continue on nightlife venues, often on the front pages of newspapers, and on beaches where establishments will have to respect, among other things, the obligation to distance umbrellas and deck chairs.


The Government extends the ban on dancing indoors until at least the end of July. Open-air discos will continue to work instead. This should be the national orientation, but at the local level the Regions will have the right (and possible responsibility) to also open discos indoors. 


The Government intends to extend the ban on entry into Italy for citizens from Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Oman, Bosnia Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Moldova, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic. The ban will also extend to those who have stopped over in another country before reaching Italy. Italians from one of these states will be able to return, but will be subject to the quarantine obligation. On the other hand, citizens from the United States will be able to enter Italy, where the infections are once again out of control, but they too are required to remain in quarantine for 14 days. 

“This latest measure that I have adopted with my ordinance – continues the minister – is directly related to the serious contagion situation in a growing number of areas in the world. The choice is clear. We cannot frustrate the sacrifices made by the Italians in recent months and this is why we have once again chosen the line of maximum prudence ”, he underlines.


The Government seemed intent on extend the state of emergency, which will expire on July 31, until the end of the year. The decision should arrive by the end of next week, through a special resolution. The measure, however, after the controversy of recent days, could stop on October 31st and in any case it will only come after a parliamentary passage, the Premier assured, placating the excesses of the opposition. It will be the Prime Minister himself who will report to the Chambers on the intentions of the Executive.

"At the moment - Minister Speranza confirmed to the Senate, reiterating his willingness to have a further ad hoc discussion - no decision has been taken on the extension of the state of emergency: the CDM will have to meet and Parliament will have to be fully protagonist of the decision-making process ”.

Last updated on Tuesday July 14th at 17:05pm
