
From the Thesis Contents literary agency five new releases to be read

"But already before June" by Patrizia Rinaldi, "Forgiveness" by Sara Bilotti, "The academy of superheroes - the shadow of the chimera" by Simone Laudiero, "The minimal form of happiness" by Francesca Marzia Esposito and "The good law of Mariasole” by Luigio Romolo Carrino are the next releases of the Thesis Contents Letteria Agency

From the Thesis Contents literary agency five new releases to be read

The Thesis Contents Literary Agency promotes the release of five novels for adults and children to read. Thanks to the intermediation of the Thesis agency, in June 2015 five new publishing proposals came to light, published by major Italian publishing houses such as Einaudi, Edizioni Piemme, Baldini and Castoldi, editions and/or.

The protagonists of the literary June of Thesis Contents are Patrizia Rinaldi, Sara Bilotti, Simone Laudiero, Francesca Marzia Esposito, Luigio Romolo Carrino. Below we offer short excerpts from the new novels.

But already before June
“They had taught her: that the survival instinct is one of the few constants of physics; that strawberries give whim and allergy; that a man cannot be a woman and vice versa and that in any case it is better not to allow themselves to exist without brakes”... thus begins But already before June novel by Patrizia Rinaldi in a novel with great literary power that explores the relationship between a mother and a daughter, and in memory.

“What do you think of today's tendency to consider anything that distracts as entertainment instead of sobering? The hoarse voice of the reporter came from the speakers of the plasma television with an authority that did not belong to her. She was a woman who took up little space, while Alessandro occupied the entire television studio, the entire screen, the entire living room of Eleonora"… this is the incipit of the last chapter of Sara Bilotti's trilogy with an erotic noir theme. Forgiveness comes after the first two volumes The Outrage and La Guilt.

The academy of superheroes - the shadow of the chimera
For children aged 10 and over Simone Laudiero publishes the first adventure of the superhero academy.
“Everyone in my class has a superpower except me. Every time I point this out to someone the answer is always the same: superpowers don't exist. But here they are, they are there for all to see”…

The minimal form of happiness
“I was waiting for everything to start all of a sudden. The flashing green of the pharmacy opposite pulsed rhythmically in three concentric crosses, from largest to smallest, like an artificial heart muscle that is always the same, always the same“… thus begins a story about loneliness and time written by Francesca Marzia Esposito.

The good law of Mariasole
“The eyes in the room are candles lit in mourning, in front of my face. These people, who stand at our feet to let us see that they are present, only annoy my restraint and consume what little air there is in August. Please go outside."
. Luigi Romolo Carrino presents an intense and intimate novel in which the rules of the Camorra are turned upside down and a woman rises to the top of a clan. 
